Cheek and Undereye Treatments for Dark Circles & Volume Loss

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Our face speaks volumes about who we are, and two areas that often draw attention are the cheekbones and the undereye region. Unfortunately, these areas are some of the first to show signs of aging, with volume loss, sagging, and dark circles becoming more prominent as time goes on. But what if you could restore the natural structure of your face without surgery?

That’s where non-surgical treatments like cheekbone enhancement and undereye fillers come into play. Whether it’s filling in hollow tear troughs, contouring the cheekbones, or improving skin quality with regenerative therapies like PRF under-eye treatment, the options are vast. These treatments not only rejuvenate the skin but also offer subtle, natural-looking results that enhance your features without altering the essence of your look.

For those seeking a comprehensive approach to facial aesthetics, facial balancing is the secret. By addressing multiple areas of the face, we ensure that every feature is in harmony, creating a youthful, refreshed appearance that feels completely you. In this article, we’ll explore the best non-surgical treatments for the cheekbones and undereye area, showing how they work together for maximum results.

Understanding Volume Loss and Aging in the Cheeks and Undereye Area

As we age, one of the most noticeable changes in our face is the gradual loss of volume, particularly in the cheeks and undereye area. This process begins as early as our 30s and becomes more apparent over time, resulting in a hollow, sunken appearance and the deepening of lines. For many, this leads to a tired or gaunt look, even if they feel energetic and vibrant.

The mid-face, which includes the cheekbones, plays a crucial role in the overall structure of the face. When volume is lost in the cheeks, it doesn’t just affect the contour and lift of the face, but it also contributes to issues in the undereye area. As the cheeks lose their youthful fullness, the undereye area can appear more hollow, with dark circles becoming more pronounced. This dual impact is why treatments often target both the cheeks and undereyes together.

For those experiencing volume loss, the goal of treatment is not just to restore fullness but to create a balanced, harmonious look. By addressing both areas, you can effectively rejuvenate the face, bringing back the structure and lift that naturally diminishes with age. Whether through fillers, PRF, or a combination of treatments, there are effective ways to combat these signs of aging and restore a refreshed, youthful appearance.

Cheek Fillers: Defining and Contouring the Cheekbones

Cheek fillers have become one of the most popular non-surgical options for enhancing facial structure. As we age, the natural fat pads in the cheeks diminish, leading to a flatter, less defined appearance. Cheek fillers offer a quick and effective solution by restoring volume to this area, creating a more lifted and sculpted look.

Fillers such as hyaluronic acid-based products are injected into specific areas of the mid-face to restore lost volume and contour the cheekbones. The result is a subtle yet noticeable lift that enhances the natural structure of the face. Unlike surgical procedures, fillers allow for precise, customizable treatments where volume can be added in small, controlled amounts, ensuring a natural outcome.

One of the most exciting developments in cheek fillers is the introduction of products like Skinvive, which not only add volume but also improve skin hydration and texture. This dual action is what sets these fillers apart, making them an excellent choice for clients looking to rejuvenate their cheekbones without dramatically altering their appearance. Skinvive uses microdroplet technology to enhance the skin’s smoothness and hydration, delivering results that go beyond just adding volume.

By enhancing the cheekbones with fillers, clients can expect a more youthful, refreshed look that helps to lift the mid-face while also supporting the undereye area. Combined with other treatments like undereye fillers, cheek fillers create a harmonious, balanced appearance that enhances your natural beauty.

Tear Trough Filler: A Solution for Dark Circles and Hollow Undereyes

The undereye area, or tear trough, is often one of the first places to show signs of aging. Hollowing beneath the eyes, dark circles, and puffiness can make even the most rested individuals appear tired. Tear trough fillers provide an effective solution for restoring volume and brightness to this delicate area without the need for surgery.

Tear trough fillers are typically made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance that helps hydrate and plump the skin. By carefully injecting filler into the tear trough, a skilled injector can smooth out the transition between the lower eyelid and the cheek, minimizing the appearance of hollows and reducing dark circles. This treatment is especially beneficial for those with deep tear troughs or those who have lost volume in the mid-face, causing the undereye area to look sunken.

The procedure is quick, with results that can be seen immediately. Clients often report that they look more refreshed and awake, with a natural improvement that doesn’t dramatically change their appearance. One of the key advantages of tear trough fillers is that they can be tailored to each individual’s needs. Whether you’re looking to subtly lift the undereye area or make more pronounced improvements, the treatment can be customized for optimal results.

When paired with cheek fillers, tear trough fillers offer a comprehensive solution for mid-face rejuvenation. By addressing both the cheeks and the undereyes, clients can achieve a balanced, youthful appearance that brings harmony to their facial features.

PRF Undereye Treatment: A Natural Rejuvenation Option

For clients seeking a more natural approach to treating dark circles and under-eye hollows, PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) injections offer a regenerative solution. PRF is derived from the client’s own blood and is rich in growth factors that promote collagen production and skin regeneration, making it an ideal choice for rejuvenating delicate areas like the tear troughs.

Unlike traditional fillers, which use synthetic materials, PRF works by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. After a small blood sample is taken, it is spun in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets and fibrin, which are then injected into the undereye area. Over time, PRF helps to thicken the skin, improve texture, and reduce the appearance of dark circles and hollows.

One of the key benefits of PRF is that it’s a more gradual treatment. Clients won’t see the same instant results they get with fillers, but instead, they’ll notice improvements in skin quality and volume over several weeks as the growth factors take effect. For those who prefer a more natural, less immediate result, PRF is an excellent option that offers long-lasting rejuvenation without the use of synthetic materials.

PRF also pairs well with other treatments. Clients who choose to combine PRF with cheek or tear trough fillers can enjoy the best of both worlds: immediate volume restoration from fillers and long-term skin improvement from PRF. This combination allows for a truly customized approach to under-eye rejuvenation.

Microneedling with PRF: A Synergistic Approach to Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling has long been praised for its ability to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture, but when combined with PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), the results are elevated to the next level. This powerful combination targets skin concerns like fine lines, uneven texture, and dullness, making it especially effective for both the cheek and undereye areas.

During a microneedling session, tiny needles create micro-injuries in the skin, which trigger the body’s natural healing process. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two key proteins responsible for keeping skin firm, smooth, and youthful. When PRF is applied immediately after microneedling, the growth factors from the PRF penetrate deeper into the skin, accelerating the healing process and enhancing the overall results.

The result is skin that not only looks smoother but also feels firmer and more youthful. This treatment is particularly effective for improving the texture and quality of the skin in the undereye and cheek areas, where skin can become thin and fragile over time. By using PRF with microneedling, clients benefit from both surface-level improvements and deeper, regenerative effects that last longer.

Microneedling with PRF also complements other treatments like fillers or lasers, helping to maintain the results of injectables while addressing the quality of the skin itself. This makes it a popular choice for those seeking a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation, offering natural, long-term results that improve the overall health and appearance of the skin.

Facial Balancing: Enhancing Cheeks and Undereyes for a Harmonious Look

Facial balancing is the art of ensuring that each feature of the face works together in harmony, creating a natural and aesthetically pleasing result. Rather than focusing on one area in isolation, facial balancing takes a holistic approach, using treatments that enhance the proportions and symmetry of the entire face. For clients looking to rejuvenate both the cheekbones and undereye area, facial balancing is a key component to achieving results that feel seamless and natural.

In facial balancing, injectables such as fillers and Botox are used to subtly enhance different areas of the face. For example, cheek fillers can lift the mid-face, while tear trough fillers address hollows beneath the eyes. Together, these treatments work to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance without looking overdone. By focusing on balance, a skilled injector can ensure that the enhancements complement each other, so no single feature stands out too much.

The undereye and cheek areas are particularly interconnected. Volume loss in the cheeks often exacerbates the appearance of hollows under the eyes, while restoring volume in the cheekbones can provide support and lift to the undereye area. By addressing both areas, clients can achieve a more cohesive, lifted appearance.

At Glow Dermspa, facial balancing is customized to each client’s unique facial structure. Whether you’re looking to make subtle enhancements or more significant changes, the goal is always to create results that are in harmony with your natural features. This approach ensures that treatments like cheek fillers, undereye fillers, and even PRF injections blend seamlessly, enhancing your beauty without altering your unique look.

Laser Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation: BBL Photofacial and Moxi Laser

While fillers and PRF injections focus on restoring volume and enhancing facial structure, laser treatments like the BBL Photofacial and Moxi Laser target skin tone and texture, making them ideal complements for cheekbone and undereye enhancements. These treatments help address common skin concerns like pigmentation, fine lines, and uneven texture, giving the skin a refreshed, youthful glow.

BBL Photofacial: Brightening and Evening Skin Tone

The BBL (Broadband Light) Photofacial is a highly effective treatment for improving skin discoloration, including sunspots, age spots, and pigmentation issues that often affect the undereye area. By using pulses of light, BBL treatments target excess pigment in the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of dark circles and other discoloration.

For clients who have received cheek or undereye fillers, the BBL Photofacial works beautifully to even out skin tone and enhance the overall brightness of the face. By improving the skin’s surface, BBL ensures that the results of fillers look even more natural, as it creates a smooth, glowing canvas.

Moxi Laser: Refining Skin Texture and Promoting Collagen

The Moxi Laser is a non-ablative treatment that’s designed to improve skin texture and promote collagen production. It’s perfect for clients who want to reduce fine lines, tighten the skin, or improve its overall quality without the downtime associated with more aggressive laser treatments.

Moxi is particularly effective for rejuvenating the cheek and undereye areas, where the skin tends to become thin and crepey with age. By stimulating collagen, Moxi helps to firm the skin, enhancing the results of fillers or PRF treatments. It’s also a great option for maintaining the youthful glow of the skin after injectable treatments, ensuring long-lasting results.

By incorporating both BBL and Moxi into your treatment plan, you can address not only facial structure but also the quality of your skin. These treatments, when combined with fillers or PRF, create a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation, delivering results that go beyond volume restoration to give you smooth, radiant skin.

Dermaplaning: Preparing the Skin for Optimal Results

Dermaplaning is a simple yet powerful treatment that exfoliates the skin, removing the top layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair (commonly known as “peach fuzz”). While it’s often performed as a standalone treatment, dermaplaning also works synergistically with other procedures to enhance their effectiveness, making it an excellent addition to your cheekbone and undereye enhancement routine.

By removing the outer layer of dead skin, dermaplaning creates a smooth, fresh surface that allows for better absorption of other treatments like fillers, PRF, and lasers. When the skin is freshly exfoliated, injectables can be applied more precisely, and the results are often more seamless. It also helps skin treatments like PRF and microneedling penetrate deeper, maximizing the benefits of these regenerative therapies.

Dermaplaning is particularly beneficial for the undereye and cheek areas, where the skin is thinner and more prone to fine lines and texture issues. Regular dermaplaning treatments can help keep the skin smooth and glowing, enhancing the youthful appearance achieved with fillers or other injectables.

For clients who are incorporating BBL or Moxi laser treatments into their routine, dermaplaning is an ideal way to prepare the skin. By removing any dead skin or debris that might interfere with the laser’s ability to penetrate, dermaplaning ensures that laser treatments can work more effectively, delivering better results with fewer sessions.

Overall, dermaplaning is a versatile treatment that can be seamlessly integrated into a broader facial rejuvenation plan, complementing other treatments while enhancing the skin’s smoothness and radiance.

Combining Treatments for Optimal Cheekbone and Undereye Enhancement

Achieving the best results for cheekbone and undereye rejuvenation often requires a combination of treatments tailored to the individual’s specific needs. By strategically combining injectables like fillers and PRF with skin-enhancing therapies such as microneedling, lasers, and dermaplaning, clients can enjoy a more comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation.

Cheek Fillers and Tear Trough Fillers for Balanced Volume

One of the most effective combinations for mid-face rejuvenation is pairing cheek fillers with tear trough fillers. By restoring volume to the cheekbones, the mid-face gains a lifted, more youthful appearance. At the same time, undereye fillers address hollows and dark circles, smoothing the transition between the eyes and the cheeks. Together, these treatments provide a cohesive, balanced look that feels natural and harmonious.

PRF and Microneedling for Long-Term Rejuvenation

PRF injections, when combined with microneedling, offer long-term improvements in skin quality and texture. While cheek and undereye fillers deliver instant volume and lift, PRF stimulates collagen production, enhancing the skin’s natural regeneration over time. Microneedling allows the PRF to penetrate deeper into the skin, ensuring that its rejuvenating effects are maximized.

Lasers and Dermaplaning for Radiant Skin

Laser treatments like BBL Photofacial and Moxi Laser are ideal for addressing skin tone and texture concerns that fillers alone can’t resolve. By treating pigmentation, fine lines, and overall skin dullness, these lasers enhance the results of injectables, leaving the skin smoother, brighter, and more youthful. Adding dermaplaning into the mix ensures the skin is well-prepped for both injectables and lasers, removing dead skin cells and peach fuzz to create a flawless canvas.

Customizing a Plan for Optimal Results

Every face is unique, which is why combining treatments is so important for achieving personalized results. At Glow Dermspa, the focus is on creating a customized plan that combines the right treatments for each client’s specific concerns. By addressing both the structural and surface-level aspects of the skin, clients can enjoy comprehensive facial rejuvenation that looks and feels completely natural.

Whether you’re looking to lift your cheekbones, smooth your undereye area, or simply refresh your skin, combining treatments ensures that each part of your face works together in harmony for a refreshed, youthful appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cheekbone and Undereye Enhancements

Considering non-surgical treatments to rejuvenate your cheekbones and undereye areas? Below are some commonly asked questions to help you better understand the options available and how they can help you achieve a more youthful, balanced appearance.

What are cheek fillers, and how do they work?
Cheek fillers are injectable treatments, often made from hyaluronic acid, that restore volume to the mid-face area. They help contour and lift the cheekbones, creating a more youthful and defined facial structure without surgery. Fillers like Skinvive also enhance skin hydration, offering both volume restoration and improved skin quality.

How can tear trough fillers help with dark circles and hollow undereyes?
Tear trough fillers are designed to fill in hollows under the eyes, reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. They use hyaluronic acid to restore volume and smooth the transition between the lower eyelid and the cheek, helping you look more refreshed and youthful.

What is PRF, and how does it differ from traditional fillers?
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a natural treatment derived from your own blood, rich in growth factors that stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration. Unlike traditional fillers, PRF works gradually over time to improve skin texture and reduce dark circles, making it an ideal option for those seeking natural, long-term skin rejuvenation.

Can cheek fillers and tear trough fillers be used together?
Yes, combining cheek fillers with tear trough fillers often provides the most balanced and harmonious results. Restoring volume in both areas helps to lift the mid-face and smooth the undereye region, creating a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

How long do cheek and undereye fillers last?
Cheek fillers typically last between 12 to 24 months, while undereye fillers generally last 6 to 12 months, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors such as metabolism.

Is there any downtime after cheek or tear trough filler treatments?
Downtime is minimal. Some patients may experience mild swelling or bruising, but these effects typically subside within a few days. You can resume normal activities immediately after treatment, though it’s recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours.

What is microneedling with PRF, and how does it enhance results?
Microneedling with PRF is a powerful skin rejuvenation treatment. Microneedling creates tiny micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production. When combined with PRF, the treatment delivers growth factors deeper into the skin, promoting faster healing and long-lasting improvements in skin texture, firmness, and quality.

How can laser treatments like BBL Photofacial and Moxi Laser complement fillers?
BBL Photofacial and Moxi Laser treatments target skin tone and texture issues, such as pigmentation and fine lines, which fillers alone cannot address. These lasers improve skin brightness and texture, making them perfect companions to filler treatments for a comprehensive, youthful glow.

How does facial balancing enhance the results of cheek and undereye treatments?
Facial balancing involves addressing multiple areas of the face in harmony. By using treatments like fillers, PRF, and lasers in a holistic manner, facial balancing ensures that your features look cohesive and natural, enhancing your overall facial structure without focusing on just one area.

Why is Glow Dermspa a great choice for these treatments?
Glow Dermspa offers a combination of advanced medical aesthetics and dermatological expertise. Our certified Master Injectors specialize in creating natural, harmonious results while ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the treatment process​​.

Conclusion: Embrace a Youthful, Balanced Look

Cheekbone and undereye enhancements offer a powerful way to rejuvenate your appearance without the need for invasive surgery. With the right combination of treatments, including cheek fillers, tear trough fillers, PRF, microneedling, and laser therapies, you can restore volume, improve skin texture, and create a harmonious, balanced look that enhances your natural beauty.

We take a customized approach to each client’s facial structure, ensuring that treatments like facial balancing, PRF, and laser rejuvenation work together seamlessly. Whether you’re addressing volume loss in the cheeks, dark circles under the eyes, or simply looking to improve your skin’s radiance, the expertise and care at Glow ensure that you leave feeling refreshed and confident.

Located in the heart of Lakewood Ranch, just a short drive from Bradenton, Sarasota, and the surrounding Florida areas, Glow Dermspa is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Our team of skilled injectors and skincare specialists will guide you through every step of your treatment plan, making sure your experience is as comfortable as it is transformative.

If you’re ready to enhance your cheekbones, brighten your undereye area, and rejuvenate your skin, schedule a consultation with Glow Dermspa today. Our experts are here to help you find the perfect combination of treatments to bring out your best features and leave you glowing with confidence.

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Melissa Beachy
Melissa Beachy, PA - C Director & Master Injector
Lacy Rogers
Lacy Rogers Aesthetician
Nina Vital Millard, PA-C Master Injector
Dr. Dana Ellis
Dr. Dana Ellis Board Certified Dermatologist

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Ann RobertsAnn Roberts ★★★★★ My very first filler experience. Melissa talked me all the way through the procedures and I could notice a wonderful difference the very next morning. Thank you!Stephanie SchappacherStephanie Schappacher ★★★★★ The entire office staff is always so friendly and accommodating. The office is relaxing and I’ve never had a bad experience here. Melissa Beachy always puts me at ease and I’ve always left the office very happy and satisfied with my results.Lydia YoungLydia Young ★★★★★ The office was clean and beautiful. Everyone I spoke to was friendly. They listened to my concerns and gave several options and suggestions. Pricing was provided. I did not feel pressured or overwhelmed. An overall good experience.js_loader